Monday, May 06, 2013

Cuz I Don't Wanna Get Over You

Yesterday one of my favorite bands The National performed their song "Sorrow" for six hours straight at MoMA PS1 in Queens, because art. I was there, because art. I didn't stay for all six hours - I got there around around three and hung out, had a couple beers, wandered in and out of the giant dome where they were performing for about an hour or so. I meant to count how many times I heard them sing the song while I was there but it just becomes noise at a certain point - I can only imagine what a feat of endurance it was for them up on stage. Anyway I recorded exactly one go-through of the song, which you can see below. (Hey Pitchfork posted my video!)
This was my first time seeing the band after seeing the documentary about them at Tribeca a couple weeks back (here's my review) and for the first time it became a thing, identifying them as individual human beings on stage. I've seen them several times before and never cared. Movies are magic.

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