Thursday, March 28, 2013

TGT12: A Moment of 2012 Awesomeness

I don't really classify Prometheus as a horror movie - not like I do the first Alien film. Its goals are much more science-fictiony. But it contains two of the most horrific scenes I saw all year - Noomi's monster abortion and this moment right here, which I just might rank as the scariest thing I saw all year. Scenes of unexpected suffocation really really freak me out so it might be a particular thing for me - it had just (blessedly, blessedly) never occured to me, a space helmet melting onto your face and smothering you, until this movie showed me the possibility in all its horrific detail, and I swear I hyperventilate every time I see it. Totally, awesomely traumatic. Good work, guys! I am never putting on a space helmet - not ever!

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