Friday, March 01, 2013

Quote of the Day

Jennifer Lawrence on her new Dior ads (via):

"That doesn't look like me at all. 
I love Photoshop more than anything in the world. 
Of course that's Photoshop. People don't look like that."

She really can't do any wrong these days can she? I only pray she struck a match on her heel and lit a spliff as punctuation to that.


Anonymous said...

I'd say they were trying to Angelinalize her in this photo? I understand you don't really like Jolie (I can't understand why) but I think they took Jolie's Shiseido ad and (which wasn't photoshoped as much) and placed some of Jenns characteristics.


Jason Adams said...

I say a lot of things (too many, really) so it's entirely likely that I've snarked about this and that regarding Angie now and again but I definitely like her! I am pro-Jolie. She's great!

MrJeffery said...

i love pretty much everything she says. seems real & confident. i wasn't like as charismatic at her age and still am not.

Anonymous said...

Thank you JA now I like you even more. I love Angie since GIA and ever since she played Lara Croft (whom I loved since 96) she owns part of my heart. I don't say I'd go straight for her but I think she is pretty cool and I'd love to meet her and work with her.


tara said...

ha! a spliff! one can only hope...