Friday, March 01, 2013

I Am Link

--- Wright Stuff - I only saw just yesterday that Neil Gaiman has a new novel coming out this Summer - it's called The Ocean at the End of the Lane and it's out in June - and today I see that the Joe Wright, director of Hanna and Pride and Prejudice and Atonement and Anna Karenina, is aiming to turn this as-yet-unreleased novel into a movie! You can get a vague glimspe of the story at that link; it sounds like a typically out-there fairy tale from Gaiman. Must be a plum role for Keira Knightley somewhere to have Joe Wright interested, then.

--- Storm Cloud - It's looking likely that Halle Berry will be showing up in Bryan Singer's new X-Men movie to stink the place up.

--- Future Frank - Daniel Radcliffe has signed on to play Igor in a new take on the Frankenstein story from the writer of Chronicle. I guess it's a sci-fi spin on the tale. Or you know, more sci-fi? I don't know. They say his character is "pathologically dirty and dressed in old clown's clothing" though, so you know, sexy.

--- The Other Slipper - For a moment Disney's live-action Cinderella sounded really cool - Mark Romanek was going to direct it with Saoirse Ronan int he lead and Cate Blanchett as her evil Stepmother. Disney must have gotten nervous that they were making an interesting movie though, because now Kenneth Branagh is going to direct it and Emma Watson is up for the lead. Oh I like Emma a lot, butis is an obvious softening of the rough edges here.

--- HBO Go - If I've been annoying tweeting and retweeting about Enlightened lately, sorry - I just really really don't want to see it go. If it hasn't annoyed you though, and you're on-board, here's some interesting stuff - a nice article about why it's the best show on TV right now, and a fantastic conversation with its creator Mike White. Hugely recommend the latter - Mike White is apparently obsessed with Tosh.0? Like in a funny "We would make an awesome gay power couple" way? I can't stand Tosh but it's still funny.

--- Magic Kingdom - The Playlist reviews Sam Raimi's Oz the Great and Powerful and says that it's a home-run outta the park special-effects wise but the story itself is kind of dull. Guess I will be seeing it in 3D for sure, though.


Anonymous said...

This has nothing to with anything, but I had a crazy dream last night and the first person I thought of was you (because you're the first person I think of when there are hot guys and horror involved). Anyway, in the dream I was at a state park/wooded area and there were a lot of people picnicking and such. It was getting dark so I started to leave. As I was heading to my car, I noticed these 2 guys who were with a large group that had a bonfire going. They were sitting a little apart, quietly drinking beers. Upon second glance I realized they were James Marsden and Ryan Gosling. Unfortunately, before I could react to them, this belligerent homeless man grabs me and hits me. I pushed him away and screamed "Don't you push me!" and I screamed back "Don't you hit me!". And then I ran into my car. I looked out the window and I saw James and Ryan slowly forcing the man deep into the woods. And like every dumb blonde in a horror movie, I got out of the car and followed to see what they were going to do. As I watched from behind a tree, James made Ryan hold the man back and he started to stab the guy multiple times in the chest and shoulders. The guy was screaming for his life and then!!!! James started to peel the guys face off! And then he put it on his own face. I started getting a close up on his face (he looked deranged and like he was in a fit of ectasy) but then I woke up!!! Sorry, that was really long; but I just wanted to share.

Anonymous said...

**and he screamed.

BRB said...

This comment!!! This comment is amazing. Thank you for leaving it here for random people like me to encounter....late at night....right before bed...

Jason Adams said...

Ah yes thanks for reminding me BRB I forgot to comment yesterday - yes that was an amazing dream, and thank you for sharing anon! Love it.

Anonymous said...

No problem! I figured you would appreciate it. And I'm sorry if you had any nightmares BRB; try being the one waking up at 3 am with those images burned in her mind!