Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Law Less

And now Jude Law is outta there! Following Michael Fassbender's exit last week and director Lynne Ramsey's no-show on Monday, Jude has exited Jane Got a Gun, the neo-western with Natalie Portman. He wanted to work with Ramsey, he says, and now that she's gone, he is too. (Although we all know he really just wanted to work with Fassy, natch. Don't hide your love, Jude!) Also in Jane news, Joel Edgerton's Warrior director Gavin O'Connor has stepped in to replace Ramsey, which is totally cool of him and all but it does immediately make the film at least 50-75% less interesting than it would've been in Ramsey's hands. Now I just need to know if Rodrigo Santoro is sticking around or not. And if he'll be naked or not. With Joel Edgerton, or not.


Murtada said...

the plot better be as interesting as the behind the scenes drama.

As a fan of warrior and someone who didn't care for Morvern Callar, I think O'Conor might make a more interesting film.

Jason Adams said...

"the plot better be as interesting as the behind the scenes drama."

I think that's nigh impossible at this point, murtada!

I loved Movern Callar but I wasn't too keen on We Need To Talk About Kevin, save Tilda - I thought Ramsey made a lot of bad choices in adapting the book (but then I am a massive fan of the book and was probably bound to be unhappy). Warrior... I thought Edgerton and Hardy were great but the movie, even though it tried to edge around being totally routine carefully, still felt pretty routine to me in the end. Visually, Ramsey's proven herself really strong, and that's what I was looking forward to with this cast and the setting. But it'd be awesome if he knocks out a great movie! I don't wish him ill at all.

Murtada said...

agree with you that Ramsay's would be more interesting visually.

I do hope the movie still makes it. Sentiment seems to be tht it's a great script. Calling Jason Clarke - or really anyone from ZDT ensemble can be an ok replacement as no one can really replace Fassy.