Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Last Second Seventh Brother

That is Jeff Richards. He was a professional baseball player who became an actor. His best known role is as one of the brothers in Seven Brides For Seven Brothers, which lo and behold is one of the movies that is in the Warner Brothers boxed-set of twenty musicals that we were just talking about.
There are still a few minutes left to the polls - I'm cutting them off at 7pm tonight, and then we'll see which three of the films I'm watching and reviewing. Unless something drastic happens in the next lil' bit though it's been pretty clear for a day and a half now which movies I'll be watching, and Seven Brides is definitely not the one. So I am taking Kat's advice (hi Kat!) and staring at Mr. Richards right now. There's not very much of him on the internet though. Forgotten hottie! I wanna see him in uniform, dammit.

1 comment:

DuchessKitty said...

Well, while I'm disappointed that you won't be watching "Seven Brides for Seven Brothers" (YET. I hold out hope that you'll enjoy the film some day. Seriously, 7 hot men who sing and dance like a dream. It's a no-brainer), I'm glad you took the time to look up Jeff Richards. And you're right, there's frustratingly little on the interwebs about him.
I once met dance great Jacques d'Amboise and asked him about his experience filming "Seven Brides". He mentioned that Jeff Richards had a wicked sense of humor, and told the best dirty jokes.
Have fun watching your 3 winners!