Friday, February 22, 2013

Head Over Heels For Head Over Heels


Have you guys seen all of the animated shorts nominated for Oscars this year? They were all online as of last week but I just read that they've mostly disappeared, which blows - I never have a clue with these specific statues and having access to them this time around felt glorious! I managed to find my favorite one, seen above. The only one I didn't really like was Paperman, which starts out plenty nice but schmaltzes itself into irritating irrelevance well before the end. If you have seen them, which is your favorite?


Adam said...

Fresh Guacamole for the win. So visually inventive and fun. If Head Over Heels win, that and Amour will prove this is the year aesthetically unpleasant old people.

Jason Adams said...

FG's my number two. My only problem with it is its brevity, really. It's great though. I just wanted more.

Steven said...

I just watched this last night, as well and totally fell for it. I think they're all well done, but this is the only one that really got me. I felt for Head Over Heels the way most people seem to feel about Up. I finally get it.

Blobby said...

I like Adam and Dog better. I'm hoping that wins.

Rob K. said...

Hated the Paperman and hope anything else wins. Gresh Guacamole was awesome. Adam and DOg was good.