Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Two Hundred & Sixty-One Days

That's how long we have to wait until Alfonso Cuarón's Gravity comes out. Date-wise that comes out to October 4th of this year. Mark your calendars! Gravity stars George Clooney and Sandra Bullock as two folks in outer space, where something happens, and that's all I really know and I hope to keep it that way. It will involve super long shots like what he was doing with Children of Men, only more so. A quote from Guillermo Del Toro at that link (he's friends with Cuaron and has already seen the movie, or at least a rouch cut) says the first third of the film is all a single shot. Yes yes a thousand times yes, give it to me! (I also think that's the first picture I've ever seen from the film?)


Joey said...

Whoa, wait. One shot? Holy crap. I just peed all over my desk

Will h said...

That's a picture from Solaris, I'm pretty sure. Also, need this movie in my life.

Jason Adams said...

I did think it might be Solaris, Will - that link tricked me though, since they labelled the pic with "Gravity." Tricksters!