Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Les Sexérables

I've documented my complicated love-hate thing with Amanda Seyfried for years now - I love her because she behaves and talks exactly as I would if I were Amanda Seyfried, famous sexy starlet (i.e. sleeping with all the hot actors she can while being unrelentingly giddy about it). But I hate her because she gets to behave like I want to, damn her! She gets Dominic Cooper and Ryan Phillippe and Alexander Skardgard, and on and on. Double triple damn her! Anyway I bring all of this up because she's at it again - in a new interview with Vanity Fair (thanks Nat) she manages to talk about incest with Hugh Jackman, oral sex with Peter Sarsgaard, and Dominic Cooper's eight-pack. She is my spirit animal. Slide, Amanda Seyfried! Slide!

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