Thursday, August 16, 2012

Oh Thank Goodness...

... Michael Haneke's Amour is going to show at the New York Film Festival. I don't have to wait until December 19th like I feared. Hooray! I'm as excited as one could possibly be about dying old people saying goodbye to their loved ones!

NYFF's announced their whole main slate just now - see it here. Glancing through it super-fast I know Ang Lee's Life of Pi, Noah Baumbach's Frances Ha (with my beloved Greta Gerwig!), and Brian Depalma's lesbo-noir Passion are my musts. What else should I consider, fellow cineastes?


iñaki said...

The Chilean film "No" was very well-received at Cannes and is making quite a splash here. It stars Gael Garcia Bernal.

And Holy Motors is a trippy Leos Carax film with Kylie Minogue in which the lead goes through eleven different lives. Enough said.

pony said...

I see there's also a new film by Olivier Assayas, who's done nothing but extraordinary movies for over a decade (demonlover, Clean, Summer Hours, Carlos), so I'd go see that too. And a new one by João Pedro Rodrigues, who apparently has given up on doing sexy movies (like O Fantasma and Odete... hot stuff, those two), so I'm not terribly excited by it as I would've been a few years ago.

Anonymous said...

Another must-see is Miguel Gomes' Tabu, which had a lot of buzz in Berlin and many thought would win the Golden Bear.
