Thursday, April 19, 2012

I Am Link

--- Calling Bullshit - David O. Russell's next movie is going to star his Fighter star Christian Bale and his Silver Linings Playbook star (that's not out yet, obviously) Bradley Cooper, and it's called American Bullshit. Or at least it's called American Bullshit for now, we'll see how long that title lasts. I'm sure Russell's raging at an exec in some office right now about how he can't change the title to something family-friendlier, how it would ruin the integrity of the movie, of everything, oh my god what's wrong with this fucking coffee, I said two fucking sugars and no milk, not all the fucking milk in the world and no sugars, I fucking hate you all, I quit! Goodbye! 

--- French Fest - The Cannes line-up was revealed this morning, and oh let's see what do we have here - Wes Anderson's Moonrise Kingdom is opening it, then there's the new Michael Haneke movie Amour with Isabelle Huppert (I read yesterday this got picked up by a studio here in the States), David Cronenberg's Cosmopolis, new films from Kiarostami and Carax and Hong Sang-soo and Resnais and Bertolucci amongst many others, and then to top it all off with a swift kick to my nards, a Midnight screening of the sure to be boffo bad new Dario Argento Dracula movie! Somebody send me to France, please.

--- Speaking of Cosmopolis, the brad new full trailer for it is over here. I haven't watched it yet but if it's halfway as thrilling as that original teaser was then I will have watched it a hundred times by tonight. I didn't ever get around to mentioning that I read the book a few weeks ago, and it was wonderful. I'm even more excited to see the movie and what DC has done with the material now.

--- Of The Universe - I haven't read this article at The New York Times about Paul Thomas Anderson's next movie The Master, so I can't say what it says. but it's a new article about Paul Thomas Anderson's The Master so what more do you need? obviously it says something worth reading. there are pictures of extras in their costumes! That's something.

--- Fireflied - I totally meant to participate in this week's "Hit Me With Your Best Shot" over at The Film Experience for Joss Whedon's film Serenity, but I suppose that would mess up my record of always messing it up and missing it. But lots of people did, so go check it out. I probably would have just chosen the shot where Captain Tight-Pants' tight pants are falling off his ass anyway, knowing me.

--- Woods Man - Here's another thing I haven't read or watched yet that I am posting! AICN has a new in-depth interview with Cabin in the Woods and giant Drew Goddard up, wherein they apparently get into all sorts of spoilers about the movie, and he explains all sorts of things. Ooh I am excited to read this one! I ordered that official film companion book that I told you about yesterday and should be getting it today (ETA ooh I just got it!) so I'll just have a "geeking out about this movie" sort of Thursday, methinks.

--- Monsters For Kids - The best stop-motion animators in the business, the folks who made Coraline, have picked out their next project - an adaptation of a new kid's book called Goblins, which is about the Chechen civil war. No, excuse me, it is about goblins. The book's not even out in the US until next Fall. That is, Fall 2013. It's out in the UK just now though, so buy it via the magical internet! I like these guys so much I'm tempted to do just that - their stamp of approval is enough.

--- All About Lange - STYD has some spoilerish details on the second season of American Horror Story from Ryan Murphy including mostly stuff we've already heard, only now confirmed, such as the setting and some of the actors who'll be returning.

--- Wettest Boys - There's a new picture of Tom Hardy and Shia LaBeouf in John Hillcoat's Lawless (formerly The Wettest County, formerly The Wettest County in the World) over here, seen somewhat there to the left. This is also playing at Cannes, by the way. At the link Guy Pearce, also in the movie, says that Tom Hardy is working at Brando level in it. I think there's a good shot he'll get his first oscar nom this year, don't you? It's about time, he's deserved at least two already.

--- Fire Men - When I posted about Bennett Miller and Francis Lawrence being up for the Catching Fire gig yesterday I thought their names were just part of the list that already included Alfonso Cuaron and Cronenberg and the rest, but EW is saying that Miller and Lawrence are actually the two finalists and it's between them now. I don't know how I really feel about that.


Pannyxeos said...

Speaking of gratuitous photos of Nathan Fillian. I'm not sure I've seen you post this picture of him before.

It sure got my pants to fit a little bit tighter after seeing it.

Jason Adams said...

I've never seen that picture before. HOLY SHIT.

Pannyxeos said...

I'm glad you liked it. I know it made my day when I stumbled upon it.