Wednesday, February 01, 2012

Good Morning, World


60 spectacular seconds of Jean Dujardin
 dancing in his boxer shorts, and go:



Cinderelmo said...

Okay can you post more of Jean Dujardins nude scenes okay he was naked in more in that show un gars fille from that clip you uploaded of him but unfortunately since scenes of male skin is down due to Megavideo's being deleted, he also had another nude scene in the pic of him that you uploaded in his 0117 spy films he had another nude scene where he is in a hospital gown and his butt shows and he also was naked in another french film called il ne faut du jurer de rien great butt shot in that film, cape m and post em.

Anonymous said...

I suddenly feel drunk after watching that video.

billybil said...

Oh my God!!! What a wonderful gift! Thank you! Oh my God!!!

Anonymous said...

The first person who commented is REALLY horny.. but I guess most of your readers are, myself included.

billybil said...

Oh yes - I am REALLY horny for Monsieur Dujardin as well. Oh my yes. And that video only adds fuel to my...well, you know what I mean. Please JA - take the time and use your wonderful skills at capping and posting all of Cinderelmo's suggestions.

billybil said...

Thanks to Anonymous for providing JA with the link to the boxer short dancing.

Don't you wish we could bring Gene Kelly back to play his dad in a movie?

Anonymous said...

Play his "daddy"? I hope that is what you mean.

billybil said...

Tee hee. Wicked, wicked anonymous! Wouldn't that be something to see.

Anonymous said...

If Dujardin and Kelly were together, who would be the top and who would be the bottom?

billybil said...

Oh my - just because he's was such an arrogant cuss and because Dujardin seems to be willing to be carefree - I'm going to say Gene would be the top. Yes - I did just correlate arrogance with being a top and being carefree with being a bottom. Hmmmm...