Thursday, January 05, 2012

Who Is This Lily Collins Person?


And who does she think she is, crowning herself "The female Ash"? How dare she! Okay okay I know she did nothing of the sort, she just took the lead role in the remake of The Evil Dead and now because we can feel it coming in the air tonight we media-types are frothing at the mouth with such nonsense. That's our job, dammit!

But against all odds Lily has seemed to come out of nowhere to suddenly be Snow White and Lady Ash, so I do find it suspicious. One might even says it feels... su-sussudio-spicious, oho. (No?) Is the Phil Collins Connection really that strong? (Sidenote - new band name: The Phil Collins Connection.) What is this groovy kind of love that Hollywood has for this girl? Is she that much of an easy lover? This is all too fast for me - like I've always said, you can't hurry love. That's just the way it is, Lily. Unless you've lost yourself in a land of confusion you of all people ought to know these things.


1 comment:

Tara said...

This post is hilarious! Patrick Bateman would be proud.