Friday, January 13, 2012

Quote of the Other Day

Rich of fourfour wrote up some reasons why he loves the ever-loveable Downton Abbey over at The Daily on Wednesday and as with everything Rich writes it's worth reading but I especially loved this bit:

"Downton doesn’t provide escapism in the era of perma-recession and the 99 percent; it stares down the absurdity of extreme wealth, head on."

That's about as concise a description for What It Says About Us Now as I've seen anywhere. Have y'all been watching the second season on PBS? Rich also points out that a lot of us downloaded the episodes as they aired in the UK, a boat I am most decidedly in, so I've already seen all the episodes myself but I'd love to hear y'all's thoughts if you're currently steeped in it.


bcarter3 said...

I thought the soap element got way out of hand in the 2nd series. They threw in every cliche except giving Bates an evil twin.

Have you seen the XMas Special and the "Behind the Drama" documentary too?

In the special, a character uses one of the catchphrases from "Arrested Development". The juxtaposition made me laugh out loud.

Jason Adams said...

I still enjoyed the second series but it did get soapier for sure - I say bring on an evil twin though! - and in the worst way of treading water with storylines for too long - all the things we were waiting for from last season got dragged along all season long. But I loved the Xmas special and felt it solved a lot of that. I didn't know there was a behind-the-scenes special! Must have it right now! Thanks, bc3!