Tuesday, November 29, 2011

I Don't Know Which Turns Me On More...


... Kristen Bell as Supergirl or Bobby Cannavale as Superman! io9 focuses in on this bit of information from an interview with the actress Leslie Bibb  (who makes out with Sam Rockwell in crowded theater lobbies) on her next movie called Movie 43:

"The Farrelly brothers did this compilation of these shorts and there's a whole slew of us. Hugh Jackman did one, Gerard Butler, Kate Winslet," she told us. "Mine is me, Jason Sudeikis and Justin Long and Bobby Cannavale and John Hodgman is the Penguin. And Bobby Cannavale is a jacked up Superman who smokes and we all are these f**ked up superheroes. Like, I'm sleeping with Batman. He won't call me back. I'm kind of crazy. Kristen Bell is Supergirl and Uma Thurman is Lois Lane or something. And we're all just dysfunctional superheroes, like superheroes who can't get a date."

Okay obviously Bobby Cannavale in a Superman suit turns me on more, but I'm very excited mentally-like about the Kristen Bell thing. Mmmm Cannavale in a Superman suit. Yeah forget everything else, that's what I want please. Okay you can forget the suit too, actually.

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