Thursday, November 17, 2011

Fassy's O Face


There's a second trailer for Steve McQueen's Fassy showcase Shame out, you can see it right here, and it's pretty much the same stuff they've shown in the previous trailers - everybody giving fuck-me-sideways eyes to Michael Fassbender, the end - but it includes a shot from the gay scene! Not that you can tell, it's super fast and just shows his face while "something" (something glorious and gay!) happens out of the frame. But hooray anyway, this is how I like to think upon him. With his dick in a guy's mouth, that is, specifically.


The gay scene is actually a little bit problematic for me as far as the film's concerned, one of the very few very small problems I did have with the movie, which otherwise I really really loved, but we can wait until the movie's actually out to discuss that.  It's only a couple weeks now! And it's not like I can really knock a man-on-Fassy moment gifted to us and to cinema. Beggars, and make no mistake I am king of the beggars here, cannot be choosers.

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