Friday, October 07, 2011

Today's Mood


In light of the past decade of unbridled killer-eyed insanity and my resulting not being able to stand Tom Cruise anymore, I am ashamed that I have this scene stuck in my brain today, but there it is. The place I ate dinner in last night played a Tom Petty song - "Mary Jane's Last Dance" to be specific, which I never gave thought to before but it just might be about weed, mightn't it? - and it only took a few steps for my brain to end up here at Jerry Maguire.

I suppose it's a good thing, me trying to reorient my eyes with looking at Tom again, since I'm physically unable to keep my body from walking into a theater playing a Brad Bird movie which will force me to see the fourth Mission: Impossible movie in December against my brain's will. At least I'll have my dear Jeremy Renner out-midgeting him every chance he gets.

"You stay sitting. It makes me seem tall, almost."


Anonymous said...

Did you ever see the music video of Mary Jane's Last Dance? Actually, it's apparently about necrophilia.

Anonymous said...

Did you ever see the music video of Mary Jane's Last Dance? Actually, it's apparently about necrophilia.