Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Quotes of the Day

Thanks to Nat for pointing me over to this wonderful piece by Miranda July in The New Yorker on shoplifting. Go and read it, it's short and oh so sweet. What are my favorite lines, you ask? Why thank you for asking!

"The whole world was one giant heist. It goes without saying that I used magnets to reset the Kinko’s copy counters to zero, and carried scissors to cut alarm tags out of clothes. Everyone I knew did these things. I say this not to excuse myself but just so you can visualize a legion of energetic, intelligent young lady criminals."

"Because what is money, anyway? It’s just a concept some asshole made up."

LOL, y'all. LOL. I went through a big shoplifting phase in Junior High school, until I got caught with a stack of cassette tapes stuffed into my underpants. Wow, cassettes! I am so old.


Sarah said...

Well, to add a little context, Miranda July did make zines in the 90s and using magnets to reset the counters at Kinkos was how a lot of people made zines back then. Until Kinkos figured that scam out in about 2000.

olins said...

I wonder how she'd feel about that made up concept if her paycheck bounced?