Wednesday, October 26, 2011

A No Good Slut Straight From The Gutter


I hope y'all have been heading over to The Film Experience for Nat's "Oscar Horrors" series this week, it's been great fun so far. Since I talked up Eiko Ishioka's costumes for Bram Stoker's Dracula the other day we've gotten a take from Glenn on Sissy Spacek's marvelous performance as Carrie White and a take from Michael C. on the spectacular make-up in Tim Burton's Beetlejuice. And there's plenty more to come between now and All Hallows.

Like this! Today I tackled Roman Polanski's script for Rosemary's Baby, aka my favorite movie of ever and ever. I've done enough talking about this movie in my life to fill ten lifetimes, but this pieces was great fun to gather together because 1) it allowed me to quote a bunch of my favorite lines (Chocolate Mouse!), and 2) it allowed me to make the following gif:


It don't get much greater than that right there.

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