Friday, October 14, 2011

Kenny Wormald Is Cute And All...


... but his name has at least 57% too much W-O-R-M in it and I just can't deal with it. I can't! I literally haven't eaten rice in my entire life because of the scene in The Lost Boys where the rice turns into maggots, so don't underestimate my mind's ability to fuck with itself. The worm's in the way, Kenny! The worm's in the way.

Not that a Footloose remake really ever stood a chance with me. But people seem to be enjoying the movie, and far be it from me to tell people they are wasting their lives on garbage that is eating their eyeballs from the outside in. Who am I to judge? I once spent a day illuminating the myriad pleasures of Stella with Bette Midler!

Point being - I have a point? - I have garbage to say about Footloose and The Thing remake and Pedro Almodovar and Jack Black and Joel effing Schumacher in my weekly piece at Celebrity Beehive, which you can read right here.

One thing I forgot to mention there though - Lucky McKee's The Woman is also out in theaters today! You can see where it's playing at this link. If you loved May, you'll want to see this one, I hear.


Mike Oxlong said...

Love your blog...and that profile picture.
So funny!

Jasper said...

Just sayin': I rarely ever split with you more than half a letter grade (Crazy, Stupid, Love might be the only recent thing where there's a pretty wide gulf), but I really had a lot of fun with The Thing. And I admit that I totally went into the screening all meh. Just sayin'.

John T said...

So you have no interest in seeing Kenny's worm?