Thursday, September 22, 2011

Do Dump or Marry - Pawnee's Finest


Hooray Parks & Rec is back on tonight! I've missed it so. Let us celebrate its return by celebrating my three favorite fellows on it in the form of a Do Dump or Marry good-timery. Our trio be:

Ben Wyatt (played by Adam Scott) - Budget-conscious bureaucrat and failed child-mayor. Leslie-crusher and recipient crushee.

Ron Swanson (played by Nick Offerman) - Libertarian carnivore. Tammy humper.

Andy Dwyer (played by Chris Pratt) - Shoe-shine pimp and April winner. Lived in a pit.

As you can see, we're doing the characters here
and not the actors. So let 'er rip in the comments.


Joe Reid said...

This one's easy.

Ron's hilarious, but a total nightmare as a spouse -- libertarian, grumpy, always expecting you to cook him breakfast foods, the everpresent threat of Tammys? No thanks. I'd consider him for a "do," but that slot if firmly occupied by...

Andy! The enthusiasm alone!

Leaving me to marry my one true love, Adam Scott. Yes, I know this is the characters, but Ben is kind of the best of all of Adam Scotts characters anyway.

Gabriel said...

I would definitely marry Ben, to begin with. He's lovely. Also, the other two are not very good at this department, as we saw.

Now, who would I do... Both have an alpha male thing going on, so it's a tough choice. But maturity wins this one, so I choose Mr. Swanson! Oh, imagine what a night it would be... Especially if he was as crazy as he is with Tammy.

Sorry Andy, your enthusiasm doesn't suit me.
This last part would be different though, if we were talking about the actors.

Finally, I'm so glad that Parks & Rec, is back. I don't think there's another show I miss more than this one. Amy is Goddess! I'd marry Her/Leslie over any of this three, for sure.

Dave said...

Probably the party line on this one: dump Ron, do Andy, and marry Ben forever and ever and ever.

I could do this with the females too (Leslie, Ann and April), but I'd have problems with dumping any of them really.

homeslaughter said...

Can't believe I am alone here.
Do Ron: I'd get a good steak before or after
Dump Ben: He's good looking and I'd love to get my hands on his wee little wardrobe, but there is something missing
Marry Andy: Being adorable is a key quality in a mate

Ivan said...

But if you marry Ron, you get a Duke Silver thrown in for good measure!

DS said...

Marry Andy, marry Andy, marry Andy. I'm sorry, what was the question?

Brian @ PWYJudges said...

Why can't I just do and then marry all three of them? There will be NO dumping today!