Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The Lover The Dreamers and Me Me Me Me

I want this thing so bad! NPR is streaming the entirety of the new album Muppets: The Green Album - a bunch of hipster-friendly (aka me friendly) bands like Weezer and OK Go and Andrew Bird covering Muppet classics. It's officially out next week.

Even though I've been battling a relentless cold I forced myself out to see the Jim Henson exhibit at the Museum of the Moving Image over the weekend. Kermit's always been my favorite but for some reason it was the Rowlf puppet that almost made me cry, seeing it in person. Jim Henson really was a magician. It's well worth the trip out to Astoria if you're in NYC.

Unfortunately they don't let you take any pictures inside that exhibit, but they do elsewhere in the museum so here were some fun things I seen:

Left to right: Freddy Kreuger's glove and the miniature "stomach of souls" that burst out of him at the end of A Nightmare on Elm Street Part 4: The Dream Master (that's the giant sweater the full-sized human actors tore themselves through when shooting the sequence in the background); the Regan dummy whose head swiveled around so memorably in The Exorcist; Else Lanchester's wig in The Bride of Frankenstein was so light! I didn't know this. It read much darker in the movie.

On the left is the dummy of Natalie Portman that they used in Black Swan for the scene where she's choking herself and you briefly see her neck elongate, and on the right is dear ol' John Merrick in David Lynch's The Elephant Man.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Muppet exhibit DID make me cry. It was overwhelming. I'm such a wuss!
I really wish they'd let you snap photos.