Thursday, August 11, 2011

Just For The Record...


... (and yes I do know this is a ridiculous sour-grapes-ish thing to blog or really even care about but it's driving me bonkers all the same) I wrote about the Luke Evans thing first. FIRST! Way back in April!

I mean the interviews were out there on the internet to be found but when I went looking them up nobody else had talked about them. And now they're everywhere and I'm just left sitting here in the corner eating wet cigarette butts. It's fine! Really! I just want Luke to know who he has to thank for this brewing brouhaha, is all. (Himself, is the correct answer.)


Unknown said...

Why are you eating wet cigarettes?

Jason Adams said...

Oops, I always forget that not everybody uses a line from a 20 year old Roseanne on SNL skit all the time like I do! It's a useful phrase to have at one's fingertips though. :)

RJ said...

Haha. I've been thinking the same thing. Every time I read about this I'm like, "This is old news, isn't it?"