Tuesday, August 30, 2011

I Am Link

--- Blood Buddies - Over at The Film Experience Nat recapped this week's True Blood which I just watched last night; I really like the embrace of cheese that the show's gone for this season - that freeze-frame at the end was glorious. But it's Nat's mention of Jessica's arc that really got me tingling - I was dreading her and Hoyt busting up but what they're doing with her character is just fucking brilliant. And Fiona Shaw is such a rock-star. Okay if you want me to bitch about something, everything having to do with Lafayette and Jesus can get the fuck up off my TV right now. I hate that they turned my beloved possessed baby story into all that bullshit it became.

--- Hi Ya USA - Takashi Miike's latest movie Ninja Kids!!! (the exclamation points are part of the title, of course) is getting picked up for a US remake, apparently. I skipped NK!!! when it played at the New York Asian Film Festival earlier this year because I know Miike well enough to know which movies of his to skip. And for the reasons I skipped it I could see it making the translation to lowest common denominator American movie well. Lots of opportunities for getting bonked on the head, no doubt.

--- See Saw - Glenn watched Tobe Hooper's masterpiece The Texas Chain Saw Massacre this week and shared some thought upon it here. He even shoehorned in the opportunity to post that pic of Christian Bale in short white shorts doing sit-ups, so go give him some love.

--- Never Die Everdeen - Slash rounded up some post-teaser goodies for The Hunger Games, including a video of director Gary Ross talking about the teaser, and a viral site that's got an inexplicable symbol of some kind sitting there.

--- Fall Ahead - The time has come for Joe's first Fall Movie preview of the year! Celebrate! He touches upon Contagion and Warrior (my review here) and Drive (you guys really have no idea how bad I want to see Drive. It is killing me.) amongst others.

--- Ryan's Ride - Speaking of Drive, Film School Rejects - which calls the film "about as perfect as a movie can get" and say it works even better with a second viewing (where's my first?!?) got this tidbit from a Q&A with the director NW Refn - Ryan Gosling is working on Terrence Malick's next movie.It's gotta be better than The Tree of Life, right?

--- Nooses Up - Ronald D. Moore, one of the creators of the wonderful Battlestar Galactica remake that we here at MNPP have been missing lately for no specific reason other than it ruled, has gotten a Western picked up by ABC. It's called Hangtown and it sounds like Murder, She Wrote slash CSI set in the Wild West. Mkay. Just cast all BSG vets! I haven't seen Jamie Babmber take off his top in far far too long.

--- And finally, if you ever wanted to see what the director who made Nine Inch Nails' video for "Closer" would do with those dancing Kia hamsters, are you in luck! Mark Romanek made this commercial just for you. (via)


Joe Reid said...

Ha! As soon as I saw that black lady go to heaven I was like "Ohhh, Jason's going to hate that."

Jason Adams said...

I mean, there's acceptable cheese - Fairyland was acceptable! - and then there's unacceptable cheese, and making me think of Touched By An Angel is NOT acceptable. Because then I remember my nemesis Della Reese and I get angry. Angry! I'll get you, Della Reese!

Joe Reid said...

Fairyland was not acceptable.

Jason Adams said...

I loved Fairyland. Maggoty apples! It looked like it had been shot in the backlot of a truckstop down the highway from LA! And make-up straight off of Angelica Huston in The Witches! Glorious cheese, that.

RJ said...

It's gotta be better than The Tree of Life, right?"

That would be incredibly difficult.