Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Teresa Palmer, Proven Genius

This will be the third time in the past month and a half that I've expressed affection for the actress Teresa Palmer, so I think we can probably upgrade her to a newfound obsession. And why not? She was charming as all get-out in the relatively charmless Take Me Home Tonight, she was an extra in Wolf Creek, she's set to star in a decent-sounding zom-rom-com with Nicholas Hoult, and now, as her pièce de résistance, this shit right here:

(via) She is dating Scott Speedman! Scott Speedman! You are a smart smart smart smart lady, Teresa Palmer, and I have nothing but admiration for you. Okay, admiration and gallons of bubbling and boiling jealousy, but for now it's still on the "gotta give respect" side and not the "hate you for your luck" side. For now! Good work, girl!


Dale said...

She was also in 2:37, which was pretty decent and immensely disturbing. Her character does not fare well in that movie.

Anonymous said...

Get it, girl!