Wednesday, March 09, 2011

I Am Link

--- Action At Angles - The first poster for Source Code was a total yawn so I'm glad to see this pair of new ones making the rounds. The Olly Moss one is lovely of course but I actually really kind of like the quad poster, of which you can see a glimpse there to the left. There's something eye-catching about the fractured geometry surrounding Jake. I wish they'd taken it a couple steps further - I can picture something really spectacular with it if they were using a more interesting photo of Jake breaking out of it. Something with a more striking pose. But still, it's better than what they had. And on a day that saw these happen anything not those seems just swell.

--- After Incest - The next movie from Yorgos Lanthimos, the director of Dogtooth, is called Alps and it's already in post-production. He wants to have it shown at Cannes. You can read more, including what it's about, over at Slash. He says it's darker than Dogtooth. Count me in!

--- And speaking of Dogtooth, Glenn gave it another shot and wrote up his thoughts at Stale Popcorn. It goes mildly better than his first unfinished go-through.

--- Riding Ryan - Here are some pictures of Ryan Reynolds looking very attractive on his motorcycle on the set of Safe House, his upcoming movie with Denzel Washington.

--- Bam Pow - This list of the best cast actors in superhero movies is pretty on point, give or take my hatred for the Downey Jr.

--- And finally, Julianne Moore is playing Sarah Palin for a HBO movie. Is it weird that I can totally see it? I'm not putting up side-by-side photos because I don't post pictures of that political harpy here, but if you ugly Juli up with a bunch of weave and spackled-on tan and Barbie make-up the resemblance is there.

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