Friday, February 25, 2011

I Hate Your Stupid Words!


To whomever put all that type in the way of Michael Fassbender in that right-hand picture: I will find you, and I will stamp words all over your crotch and see how you like it. Damn you to hell! This photo-shoot had better find its way online in its pure form, or else! Although I guess I should give them credit for having the word "Obsession" slide between his legs like that. (from the new issue of EW)



Wasn't it Björk who wrote

"words are useless... especially sentences"

100% agreed. also worth noting that michael fassbender is not our next obsession but our current and lasting one. so we > EW readers.

Aimee said...

When I saw this article in EW, I immediately thought of you and hoped you had come across a copy.