What movie is this?
"I now forgive Calvin Klein for previously hiring Justin Bieber as a model. I literally stopped buying the brand at that. I will reconsider now."--- MNPP commenter Dan approves, as do we all, of CK's use of Aaron Taylor-Johnson as their latest underwear model. Our baby boy is looking good!
Nope, not Juno.
Is it Happiness?
Nope, not Happiness.
One more guess..and it is just a guess....L.I.E.?
Nope not LIE.
That last shot is just so pedophile-ish....
About Schmidt?
Nope, not About Schmidt.
The Good Girl maybe? I'm sure I know that first shot.
Not The Good Girl.
Not Election.
Bottle Rocket?
Not Bottle Rocket.
The Family Stone
Not The Family Stone.
ok..Blood Simple? (because of the fields)
The Minus Man? (we seem to be hovering about Luke and Owen Wilson movies...)
Margot at the Wedding
Not Blood Simple.
Not The Minus Man.
Not Margot at the Wedding.
Raising Arizona
Not Raising Arizona.
A home movie that you made? ;)
LOL seriously anon. I did not expect this one to stump. Eventually I will add more frames if the need arises but I have a feeling somebody will get this soon.
Mysterious Skin?
Mysterious Skin?
Ha see? I spoke 10 seconds too soon and wham two people guessed it at once. MYSTERIOUS SKIN is it. Good work RJ and Damion!
Hahahahaha! I win by seconds!
I think I may have stumbled upon a new movie cliche...Volvo station wagon in park..means kids need to run home and run fast.
Haven't you done Mysterious Skin already? I remember because it was the only time I totally knew it.
Aw man, I wish I had paid attention when I saw your "people are stumped tweet." I got it with the "you don't know me but you will" letter screencap.
<3 this film!
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