Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Today's Fanboy Delusion

Today I'd rather be...

... interviewing Hugh Jackman for a very lucrative position.
(In a very lucrative position?)

If you've never seen it - or if you just want to watch it again and again, as I sometimes do - you can watch this scene from Swordfish right here They won't let me embed the video, the bastards. This movie was on TV the other night and thankfully I stumbled upon it right at this part, aka the only part of that awful movie worth sitting through. And even the wonderful sight of Hugh Jackman being forcibly blown while another dude holds him down is sort of ruined, since they feel the need to have a truly repulsive John Travolta share the scene. I don't think there's been anything more disgusting ever captured on screen than the bloated and stringy Travolta seen in this film. Perhaps him in another recent film? Point being, John Travolta is completely unwatchable. Ugh.

Anyway I sat there watching a scene involving homoerotic tension and Hugh Jackman and John Travolta and then it went to commercial and Jodie Foster was mentioned and I thought I'd wandered into some sort of closet convention. All that was missing was Tom Cruise jumping up and down on Oprah's couch and the world might have imploded right then and there into a vortex of self-loathing not seen since Pope Benedict's last pool party.


Owen said...

The only part of this movie I remember is this scene. Go figure.

Anonymous said...

"Swordfish" sucks extremely hard, and this scene is lamer than the rave in Matrix 2 (it would be amazing to blow Hugh Jackman, we can all agree on that). John Travolta deserves the "Mista Funktastic" Award for his character here (an award that, if it was real, this year would go to Michael Sheen for "Tron" -Travolta would be a runner up for his good-guy version of his "Swordfish" character in "From Paris With Love").

Alexandre said...

In my opinion, the only good part in this awful movie is the first scene, when Hugh is playing golf half naked.