Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Kretschmann From Cars To Capes

Did anyone watch The Cape the other night? It's the latest stab at televised superhero storytelling via NBC. I had no plans to but found myself flipping through the channels and came upon it and man... it was bad. Granted I was watching it completely out of context but the couple of minutes I managed to suffer through were completely insufferable. That might sound impossible but this show proved it can happen. Which made me a little bit sad, because it does have Summer Glau and David Frain on it. Maybe if they have their star David Lyons wear just the cape and nothing else...

... they'll find their footing. It couldn't hurt! Anyway none of this is my real point. No, my real point is that even though the show got some pretty crappy ratings this week I hope they give it a chance and at least air the second episode this Monday night because Thomas Kretschmann is playing the villain!

(pic via) Yes, this does remind one that Thomas crapped out on being the villain on Fringe back in the day, and makes us sad all over again. Bastard! But any chance to see TK is a cause for celebration, so let us all sit down with a box of sparklers beside us Monday and give it a whirl. (thanks for the heads-up, Maureen!)

Also I need to remember to pay attention for the "Professor Zundapp" character in Cars 2 because apparently TK's voicing him in that Pixar sequel out this Summer. I have a feeling he was hired to play up the German. Zzzzzzoooondahp. . Just a hunch.


folkinz said...

I watched all of it & it was all bad. He's more of a magician than a super hero, you ain't fooling me NBC.

triggerua said...

We must have been doing the same thing that night. I to flipped by watched as much as I could (Maybe 15 minutes) turned it and forgot about it until now. They need to recreate Robert Conrad's bulge on that hottie and then they may have a show.

ironjohn said...

It reminded me of the 90s b-series like Mutant X, Brisco County Jr., Cleopatra 2525 etc., all of which I enjoy.

Goddess Maureen said...


Thanks for the shout out. I liked the show and am really hoping the execs leave it be and not try to ruin or change it up as they did to "Heroes". TK looks like he wants that cape back...NOW from the bit I saw.