Monday, January 03, 2011

Good Morning, 2011 World


Hello everybody! What better way to start out the first day back to blogging in the New Year than with an image capturing the point of view we all made it our resolution to have at least once in the real world - our face nuzzled between Matt Bomer's thighs. Breathe it in deep, folks - that's the smell of the future!

I hope everybody had a fine holiday season. Mine wasn't the greatest couple of weeks but we're putting on our optimist cap this morning. Hi ho, all that jazz. Thing's ca't be all bad when you've got this face to stare into, ya know?

So it'll probably be slow going as I get myself back up to speed today - I didn't spend much time at all online over the past two weeks and if anything nifty news-wise presented itself I probably missed it.

And I'd love to hear from y'all.
See anything good over the break? (pics via)


1 comment:

MattyD. said...

I caught both 'The King's Speech' and 'The Fighter'...I really enjoyed both but can't say either made that much of an impact. Certainly I enjoyed 'The King's Speech' more, but Mark Wahlberg's abs were pretty. So as you can see, tough to pick the better. ;)