Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Today's Fanboy Delusion

Today I'd rather be...

... playing pocket pool with Jeremy Renner.
Damn I like that picture. Nice cue, Jeremy.

A friend reminded me this afternoon that Jeremy Renner was on Angel. It's been a very long time since I've seen the first season of Angel but I did have a vague memory of Renner - in the episode called "Somnambulist" he played a character named Penn, who was apparently the only male that Angel ever turned into a vampire. (Sired would the word I mean to use there. My Buffyverse talking-skills are rusty.) Anyway...

... I can't recall how homoerotically their relationship was played, but even there with the wigs slapped on their heads looking so much like crimped roadkill and the echos of David Boreanaz's legendarily bad Irish accent calling to me through space and time I do like thinking upon such thoughts and images all the same. I fell right into a mental heap of fan-fic.

But as I looked up images of their shared screen-time I discovered a wealth of Jeremy Renner pictures that I hadn't seen before. A wealth! A bounty! A luxuriance of gratuity, is my point. I'm stocked up in Renner for a good long time. Here's a bunch, an abundance, because as I've said so many times my throat is raw from it, I am a goddamned giver y'all. (most via)



timothy grant said...

He also played Jeffrey Dahmer in "Dahmer." I seem to remember lots of man-on-man action in that ... and not just the cannibalistic kind ... or maybe I just added in my fantasies in retrospect.

Jason Adams said...

Yeah I too fell in love with him in Dahmer and I am not ashamed to admit it. I mean... come on!

Anonymous said...

Angle also sired an officer on a sub so that he could save the sub and the other men. He came back years later to kill Angle because he hated him for making him a vamp.

Jason Adams said...

Nerd!!! ;)

John said...


Anonymous said...

Hadn't noticed before but he must share some genetics with Nathan Fillion.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, he doesn't do it for me, probably because I don't get off on guys who look like old lesbians.