Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Mark Ruffalo Is Better Than All Right


I mean... right? Right. There's a lot - like, a lot - more of Ruffy to be seen in The Kids Are All Right which hits DVD today, but since the scenes in question have a bit of a spoilerish nature I'll hold off on posting more of him in this movie until a later date when it's more likely not to ruin anything for anyone. Ruining any enjoyment this terrifically enjoyable movie might have for anyone would make me very unhappy. Here's the review I wrote when the film came out. I still think that as of today Anette Bening deserves the Oscar this year for her brilliant work here. Such great work.

And if they had Oscars for sexy furriness,
as they ought to, Mark is top of the heap!



Anonymous said...

That last photo is so steamy. I just want to jump on top of him and say hello.

www.crearpaginaweb.com said...

Gosh, there is really much useful information above!