Monday, October 25, 2010

Pics of the Day


Stereogum has some pictures from last night's Sufjan Stevens concert in Los Angeles and they're getting me even more excited - giant dancing Suffy projections! - for when I see him here in NYC on November 14th and 15th. Just twenty days to go! Woot! He's been touring for a couple weeks now - any of y'all seen the show?



CT said...

Saw him in Chicago last week, and seeing him in Indy in November.

His back-up dancers are actually QUITE distracting. They were not once in sync. Also, the lady sitting next to me who got up five times during the show pissed me off. I mean, I get it: she wanted to see Sufjan with a fucking banjo. But I'm loving the new album the more I listen to it, and her need for wine and popcorn and water and Twizzlers (no, seriously) got on my last fucking nerve.

That said, he did the MOST AMAZING arrangement of "Seven Swans" that I have not been able to find a recording of. But it was awesome. Bridging the gap from his old stuff to the new stuff.

And I think I've said here before how pretentious I find him in interviews or blog posts or whatever, but when he was speaking to the audience about the new music and his process, I found him incredibly self-deprecating and adorable--not the least pretentious. Which made me oh so happy.

Mike z said...

Saw it in Chicago as well. The number of people getting up and moving around was ridiculous. The show itself was really cool and... awkward.