Friday, October 29, 2010

I Am Link

--- News of the Day - Dude! This story is kicking my ass. Via THR:

"Joe Dante, Xavier Gens Join Horror Omnibus 'Paris I'll Kill You'

Genre masters Joe Dante (Gremlins), Paco Plaza ([REC]) Vincenzo Natali (Splice), Xavier Gens (Hitman) and Ryuhei Kitamura (The Midnight Meat Train) have signed up to direct segments of new horror omnibus feature Paris I'll Kill You, which Instinctive Film and Reverence are producing.

Brit director Christopher Smith (Creep), French duo Julien Maury and Alexandre Bustillo (A L'Interieur) and German music video director Joern Heitmann will also helm segments of Paris IKU, described as a look at the seedy underbelly of the city of love."

First off, that title. Blam, awesome. Secondly, that list of directors? Double blam, in the face, fully loaded. Still, if somebody isn't stabbed to death with an Eiffel Tower figurine I'm screaming, "Opportunity missed!"

--- Three Sides - Speaking of Christopher Smith, I apparently never got around to reviewing his terrific movie Triangle myself when I saw it ages ago but I agree with everything Glenn says about it in his loving review at Stale Popcorn. As an aside for New Yorkers: Triangle's playing a couple times this weekend at that horror film fest I told y'all about last week, so you can see it on a big screen if you want to. It's worth seeking out whatever way you can get your hands on it, for sure. It's clever.

--- Lady Caves - Michael C.'s piece at The Film Experience on the production design for Neil Marshall's already-a-classic-horror-film The Descent was mind-opening on a couple of levels, not the leats of which it points out that there's not a single real cave in the film, they're all sets, and somehow I never even thought about that. That's some magnificent movie magic, y'all.

--- Dahl Spooks Etc. - After reading that you should head over to Michael C.'s own site Serious Film where he wrote up some more thoughts on that film and four other movies with overlooked scenes of horror for this weekend's impending holiday. I really do need to give The Host another try at some point, I realize this, but I still consider it sloppy and underwhelming. Anyway The Witches yay!

--- Snow Bitch - Beautiful and uber-talented and MNPP fave Charlize Theron was gonna play the lead in The Tourist until Angelina Jolie snatched it up. Now Charlize Theron in maybe gonna play Snow White in that movie with Tom Hardy as The Huntsman aka The Sexy Beefy Heart-lipped Hunstman With A Hot Accent. Charlize and Tom were set to star in Mad Max 4 but that's been delayed a year so they might spend the time fighting witches. Hey Angelina should play the Evil Queen!

--- Salander in Space - Noomi Rapace is seriously for real the front-runner for Ridley Scott's Alien prequel, you guys. They're not just making this up!

--- The Back Way - Slash has the poster for Peter Weir's The Way Back but it stinks so don't bother clicking over. Don't do it, I said! Damn you.

--- Fraida No Ghosts - The dude who made the remake of Wes Craven's Last House on the Left better than it had any right to be is making a movie called The Demonologists next, about ghost hunters that get in over their heads with demons. Basically the story of every ghost movie ever made. But he's a decent dirctor, so we'll see.

--- Reason #5,025 - Why Betty White is awesome:

“I don’t care who anybody sleeps with. If a couple has been together all that time - and there are gay relationships that are more solid than some heterosexual ones - I think it’s fine if they want to get married. I don’t know how people can get so anti-something. Mind your own business, take care of your affairs, and don’t worry about other people so much.”

--- Ring Fog Rosemary - I can't believe SHOCKTOBER! is so close to the end, but Stacie's gotten the list down to 21 by now and perhaps it'll make it even further later today! Reading through the choices at this point is like a fist the size of a large fist filled with lots of awesome punching you in the face until you're blind. It's just like that. Times a billion!

1 comment:

Michael said...

I am have some reservations about The Host too. On the whole I'm an admirer but it does lose its way for a while in the middle section. The scene in question, though - I think that's pretty much perfect.

Thanks for the link.