Glancing through some pics from the premiere for The Social Network made this seem a natural fit: which of the stars of David Fincher's movie would you Do, Dump and which would you Marry? We're talking Jesse Eisenberg, Andrew Garfield, and Justin Timberlake. Here are a couple more pictures of the guys together.

DO Justin Timberlake
DUMP Jesse Eisenberg
MARRY Andrew Garfield
What Fernando said.
What they said.
DO Jesse Eisenberg
DUMP Justin Timberlake
MARRY Andrew Garfield
DO Andrew Garfield (but remain close friends)
DUMP Jesse Eisenberg (though gently and without malice)
MARRY Justim Timberlake (because MINE ALL MINE)
DUMP Jesse Eisenberg (quickly)
Do Justin Timberlake
MARRY Andrew Garfield.
DO Andrew Garfield.
DUMP Timberqueef
Marry Jesse Eisenberg (even though i'm not over his chemical hair straightening/publicistimposed de-jewing)
This is so easy!
DO Justin, DUMP Jesse, and def. MARRY Andy.
for maybe the first time I have no preference in doing and dumping but i must marry ANDREW GARFIELD.
i see i have lots of competition, damnit.
DUMP: Jesse Eisenberg (unfortunately)
MARRY: ANDY (I want him all to myself)
Awesome fourway marriage plz.
DO Justin Timberlake
DUMP Jesse Eisenberg
MARRY Andrew Garfield
DO Jesse Eisenberg
MARRY Justin Timberlake
DUMP Andrew Garfield
I'm afraid Andrew seems a little sensitive for me. :-) And there's something about Jesse's mouth...
Marry the perfect Andrew Garfield (and live happily ever after)
Do Jesse-I agree on the mouth
Dump JT
Dump Justin Timberlake. Like, right away. Without even a moment's thought.
Urg...but who to marry?
Okay...got it. Do Jesse Eisenberg, Marry Andrew Garfield (because that still means I get to do him, right)?
Its an old comment, but i don't care.
Do Justin
Dump Andrew
Marry Jesse
I had to comment on this. Jesse is so cute! Hahahaha
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