Three directors names popped up over the long weekend as possibilities for taking the reins of the first film of the Hunger Games trilogy - Sam Mendes, Gary "Pleasantville" Ross, and David Slade, who directed Hard Candy and 30 Days of Night and Twilight: Eclipse and is rumored to already be duking it out with Darren Aronofsky for the rights to strip Hugh Jackman down in Wolverine 2.
I love Mendes but he's not yet proven himself capable of telling this sort of story so I can't work myself up into too much of a lather over him just yet. Pleasantville is a Great Film, one of my faves, but Ross also directed Seabiscuit which I didn't see but there are many many reasons why I didn't see it. And I dug Hard Candy and even liked 30 Days of Night and I heard Eclipse was a step up in the Twilight series, but he's not really filling me with swirling enthusiasms either.
Basically none of these names are making me jump for joy, but none of them are hurting my brain either. (The continued presence of the "Chloe Moretz should play Katniss" meme is doing all the heavy lifting on the hurting my brain thing. UGH NO.) I'm definitely curious to see what Mendes might do with something so outside of his comfort zone though so he's probably got the lead in my personal polling though. Hrm. Why can't Darren Aronofsky be attached to this?
I love Mendes but he's not yet proven himself capable of telling this sort of story so I can't work myself up into too much of a lather over him just yet. Pleasantville is a Great Film, one of my faves, but Ross also directed Seabiscuit which I didn't see but there are many many reasons why I didn't see it. And I dug Hard Candy and even liked 30 Days of Night and I heard Eclipse was a step up in the Twilight series, but he's not really filling me with swirling enthusiasms either.
Basically none of these names are making me jump for joy, but none of them are hurting my brain either. (The continued presence of the "Chloe Moretz should play Katniss" meme is doing all the heavy lifting on the hurting my brain thing. UGH NO.) I'm definitely curious to see what Mendes might do with something so outside of his comfort zone though so he's probably got the lead in my personal polling though. Hrm. Why can't Darren Aronofsky be attached to this?
Honestly, I can't even get myself all worked up over the Chloe Moretz thing because she's just plain too young.
Which, of course, doesn't mean she might not end up with the part. It just means that I choose to ignore the possibility.
So. Healthy.
From your fingers to the movie-gods ears, CT. I'm still holding out hope they go for an unknown. Or at the very least someone I can stand to look at.
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