Thursday, September 16, 2010

I Am Link

--- Super Flair - Jeremy Renner will not be wearing any purple loincloths in The Avengers. Weep, world. Weep. Maybe Joss just hasn't broken it to him yet? You bust out the purple loincloth delicately, I suppose.

--- Bale V Wahlberg - The trailer for David O. Russell's The Fighter is online, watch it at Apple. I haven't watched it yet though so I have no comment. It's out vaguely Decemberish.

--- Yoo Hoo Lulu - The Film Experience's series "Hit Me With Your Best Shot," where we the bloggers choose out select favorite shots from Nat specified movies, looked askance at GW Pabst's Pandora's Box last evening. Beautiful movie that I had issues with all the same.

--- Goodbye Tatum - Stale Popcorn's scene by scene analysis of the first Scream film has reached the scene wherein we say goodbye to Sidney's best friend. But she wants to be in the sequel! Nipples, doggie doors, it's got it all. It's also got a frame that I'm totally swiping for a banner at some point. See left. I should also direct you to the time I did this death scene for my Thursday's Ways Not To Die series. Classic, horrible, funny and so so sad.

--- Fassyless - I guess I vaguely remember knowing that Michael Fassbender wasn't going to play Heathcliff in Andrea Arnold's version of Wuthering Heights, but I'd forgotten, probably because I wanted to believe he would eventually sign on. Well he hasn't, at least not yet, says this article at Deadline on the casting of a different role. Sigh.

1 comment:

Glenn Dunks said...

Oh man, I could've just stole all of your screencaps instead of spending an hour taking 67 shots of it myself!