What movie is this?
"I now forgive Calvin Klein for previously hiring Justin Bieber as a model. I literally stopped buying the brand at that. I will reconsider now."--- MNPP commenter Dan approves, as do we all, of CK's use of Aaron Taylor-Johnson as their latest underwear model. Our baby boy is looking good!
I FINALLY manage to get to the site before someone else has already answered and I'm at a complete loss. I'm gonna go with "Scenes You've Never Seen Before: The John Cowan Story".
Well I'm glad you guessed, even if you're at a loss, John! But no that's not it. I think this one could prove difficult.
The Shoot Horses Don't They? Just a guess...and not just b/c a horse is present ;o)
Are there any horses actually in TSHDT? It's been awhile, I can't remember if there are or not. If they like cut away from the metaphor of the title being spoken to show a horse or something. Hrm.
But that's a no, this is not TSHDT.
Yeah, couldn't remember if maybe there was a flashback or something at some point that might have included a horsey ;o)
Picnic at hanging rock?
Nope, not Picnic at Hanging Rock.
Heavenly Creatures? Something about the pictures of the old ladies makes me think of that movie.
Not Heavenly Creatures.
Last guess -- The Cell? I don't think so, though...
Nope, not The Cell, shaun.
Eventually if no one gets this I'll add some more frames to perhaps help y'all out, but I feel like holding off for a bit, give more people a chance to see if they know...
Something is *ping*ping*ping*ing with the second frame but I watch a lot of movies, and damn me if I can't recall it.
Uh...I can't even tell how old it is...I want to say a Wes Anderson movie, because horses staring straight into the camera is so...like him...
But it's not. Brideshead Revisited?
Nope not Brideshead Revisited, Simon. It's also not any of Wes Anderson's movies.
Cemetery Man, kids.
Weird, I'm not that much of a horror person but I saw that movie for the first time this weekend.
BAM! There it is. Good work, Michele! It's actually been a very long while since I've seen this movie so I probably wouldn't have recognized these frames myself, if I hadn't been the one to post them. But I knew somebody would get it eventually. What did you think of the movie, Michele? I remember finding it weird and fascinating.
I saw it in a horror movie double feature/exchange program of sorts in which me and my brother each picked one movie for the other one to watch. He hated it throughout, of course, and I kept mentioning that if he hated this, he'd hate Terry Gilliam's entire body of work. But after it was through, I couldn't help but think it WAS kind of the 'Brazil' of the zombies subgenre. The romance subplot is bizarre and cruel but subdued enough to make it enduring in its own strange way. Rupert Everett was never prettier and shirtless-er, so that helped too.
I dug it alright, the Italian satire was often brillaint, the imagery was gorgeously grotesque and the repetitively dated score actually worked in its favour most of the time.
Oh my god, of course it's Dell'Amore Dell'amorte. No wonder the second image ping'ed.
Great, underseen movie.
I was watching a lot of italian 60's/70's/80's horror at the time, and while I found some of the stylistic tics charming and adept, early on, I thought it was just gonna be one of those halfbaked creations: good-to-great on the gore, so-so on the storytelling. I realised how wrong I was in the latter half.
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