Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Quote of the Day


In an article at Cinematical about how terribly Joel Schumacher's Twelve has flopped - aww poor Chace Crawford, come and cry into your bong at my place - writer David Erlich expresses an unfairly ignored truth about Schumacher's oft-dubious abilities:

"[B]ut the man can shoot a killer sex scene when he feels like it. ... And he felt like it about 15 minutes into Tigerland, which is arguably and perhaps not incidentally, also the best film he's made in *consults IMDB page* ever. Schumacher locked Colin Farrell in a dank motel room with 3 other attractive and impressively-bodied actors and came away with one of the sweatiest, grunt-laden sex scenes in recent memory. At no point on the largely somnambulent DVD commentary track is Schumacher as animated as when he's discussing the sex scene -- the awed quality of his voice suggesting that at 60 years-old he was just beginning to realize his directorial strengths."

Ha, right - I'm sure its awe of his own "directorial strengths" that takes over his voice when he talks about pointing a camera at a butt-naked Colin Farrell and Matthew Davis thrusting beside each other.

Anyway I've often expressed this sentiment, but Joel Schumacher is forgiven ever piece of shit he churns out for the rest of time because of Tigerland and that scene and just generally its blessed introduction of Colin Farrell unto the world, amen.


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