Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Gratuitous Dave Franco


This post is at the meager end of the gratuitous spectrum because frankly Dave Franco just hasn't put out enough yet. I could've just named it "Dave Franco Eleven Times" really but there's no going back now. The deed is done! Anyway I suppose he's young, I'll give him some time to start getting fresh like his brother's so darn good at. But just a little, mister! Now that you're co-starring in horror remakes you really don't have any excuses for not giving some up. (all of these pics are via here)

You can see a few more pictures of him here and here.


Anonymous said...

How are there so many pictures of him online?! He's not famous.

Jason Adams said...

The internet's a helluva place, anon.

Anonymous said...

There you go with the ELEVEN again, JA.

Jason Adams said...

I don't wanna say that I'm trying to tell you something here, elevendreams, but YOU IN DANGER, GIRL. Sorry, Ode Mae possessed me for a sec there. She does that sometimes (often). Usually whenever I watch The View.

Anonymous said...

why shouldn't there be photos of him online he is Hot Hot Hot Hot !!!