Monday, July 26, 2010

JJ V Joss: The Movie

This is mainly for my own benefit, to remind me to watch it because my brain needs to be slapped upside its face in order to remember things most of the time, because obviously I could just link to this but links are so tiny while a pile of videos make more of a smacking sound, because because, but Slash posted a series of videos comprising the entirety of the panel at ComiCon where Joss Whedon and JJ Abrams chatted up bunches, which I'm dutifully now transposing to over here. Slash also transcribed the whole thing so if you just wanna read it, like in words and stuff, click here for part one and here for part two. Onto the movies!





If you squint like you got stabbed in the eye
with a pen
it's just like being there!

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