Thursday, July 15, 2010

Burn Birthday Baby Burn

It's early, so boredom may get the best of me by later in the day and I might not keep to this promise-threat, but I do believe I'm gonna take today off from blogging. It's my birthday, and I'll bail if I want to! Bail if I want to! Bail if I want to! You would bail too if blah blah blah. Blah. Bye.


gregorybrown said...

If I could help you blow...the small number of candles on your cake, I'd do it happily. Best wishes on the natal day. Enjoy the coming year. Thanks for sharing your time and insights with us.

J.D. said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY JA!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Have a good one but next year you have to post.

Derreck said...

Happy Birthday! Have a great day with lots of fun!

Jon said...

Happy birthday! May Sufjan serenade you and Jason Statham & Michael Fassebender give you the lap dance of your dreams.

breedaniels said...

Happy Birthday JA!!!!! Ditto what Jon wrote; )

John T said...

Happy birthday! May Jack, Sawyer, and Jin explain all of the Island secrets to you!

billy said...

Happy Birthday & many more plaid pants to come.

SamuraiFrog said...

Happy birthday, you.

cinema adventures said...

Happy Birthday!! Any plans?

Hugh Man said...

happy belated birthday! So what happened with all those birthday wishes? Dish!

Jason Adams said...

Thanks everybody for the bday wishes! You guys are the best.

cinemadventurer I'm keeping the plans to a minimum this yr. Seeing Inception this weekend and having some birthday cake with the boyfriend is probs gonna be it. Which sounds awesome to this old old man. ;-)