Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Today's Fanboy Delusion

Today I'd rather be...

... taking a pounding from Kellan Lutz.

On that note, here are a couple more pics 'o Lutz
that I haven't gotten around to posting yet...



Joe Reid said...

Here's my question about Kellan Lutz, and lord knows I appreciate what he does, but what's the career path for this guy? If it all breaks right for him, where does he end up? Is he Mark Wahlberg waiting for his "Boogie Nights"? Is he just going to be able to coast on the body and some "Twilight" royalties until he marries up? I think it was seeing the Twitter handle that made me wonder. He's promoting that so we'll follow him and get updates on...underwear photo shoots?

Jason Adams said...

Perhaps he's got hidden depths of talent that his pecs are obscuring... but for now let's just go with what's working. Tomorrow, and pants, be damned!

J.D. said...

He can marry me? (Plz?)

John T said...

Joe-there is nothing wrong with getting updates on his underwear shoots!