Wednesday, May 26, 2010

If There's One Thing I Love To Do...

... it's to take pictures of Jake on talk shows out of context and post them willy nilly, while in my brains crafting an imaginary context for what we're looking at. He's always so gosh-darn spazzy he makes this kind of thing easy. Case in point...

See? I think these four frames of him on Jimmy Kimmel
the other night are just screaming for a caption, right?


gregorybrown said...

Lower right looks like an impersonation of John McCain at one of the PresDebates.

Melissa said...

A demonstration of "smell the fart" acting gone terribly wrong.

John T said...

Did he just see Reese naked?

In the next scene, he sees Hugh Jackman naked and it still involves a tongue, but in a different way.

Melissa said...

Did you see this?