Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Gather Up Your Marbles, It's Lost Time


"We begin again with no previouslies. We’re on our own, folks! (i.e. screwed)

Water! The limitless deep blue. We open looking on it, as we do so often on this show. It’s right up there with an opening eyeball, probably. Suddenly a woman bursts up out of the sea. She has to my eye a suspiciously Snooki-like hairstyle weighed down by the waves, which has me imagining a Lost / Jersey Shore crossover that would ultimately usher in the true Armageddon, no doubt. Not-Snooki spies land. Cut to her washed up on the (Not-Jersey) shore.

She is pregnant, as is the duty of every woman on this show at one time or another (unless you’re a babynapper like Kate)..."

Head over to Celebrity Beehive for the remainder of my recap of last night's episode of Lost. I'm so ashamed of the Snooki thing but it was all I could think, looking at her hair.

Anyway I didn't much like last night's episode at least while I was watching it if I'm gonna be honest. The final 20 minutes were good but I thought Allison Janney, whom I normally like a lot mind you, was pretty bad, as were the kid actors. It felt like they sent the camera crew that they usually use for b-roll stuff, footage of trees and sunsets, off to make this episode while the rest of the cast and crew dove into the final three and a half hours, is what it felt like to me. I'm sure the pieces we got from this episode will be of vital importance - which of our castaways will be stumbling upon the glow-cave first? - but it took some effort for me to care.


Joe Reid said...

I was already suspecting it before I read this, but now it's pretty well confirmed: what I look for out of Lost and what Lost fans look for out of Lost are pretty much the opposite of one another.

Jason Adams said...

So what you look for is crappy child actors running around willy nilly and Allison Janney acting with nothing but her bug eyes then?

Joe Reid said...

I'm honestly not trying to start a fight. I totally get why people who are really into the show would absolutely hate the episode. And I'm more outside that circle than I thought, but it works for me.

Jason Adams said...

Oh I wasn't trying to start a fight either, I was just being a smart-ass.

I just don't have problems really with learning some Island history or whatever. And I've given up on even trying to find any substantive answers about What The Island Is and am fine if they don't clarify the life right outta the thing. I just thought this episode was poorly executed. But at least it was Mommy Issues with these two instead of the never-ending parade of Daddy Issues that afflict all of our castaways.

unclemike said...

I totally agree about the kid actors--what a couple of wet blankets.

But Allison? She did well with the little bits she was given. Not the best-written episode, imho.

So...Jacob is immortal because...his adopted mom gave him some wine?

Anonymous said...

"So...Jacob is immortal because...his adopted mom gave him some wine?"

That's how it worked with me.

Ms Scrappy said...

Jebus Christ!! That's the Snooki person everyone is yabbering about? She looks like a toothless old lady.

Iggy said...

I'm sometimes too harsh on Lost, I know. Backstories aren't exactly the writers best, which is understandable when you have a bunch of characters people adore, it's hard to live up to the expectations. But common, how and when did Jacob become such a powerful and influential guy if he was the dumb blond brother of the two? Must've been the wine...