Thursday, May 06, 2010

Five Frames From ?


What movie is this?


mac20 said...

Moon. Clone it be true?

Dale said...

Total guess, but is it 2001: A Space Oddessey?

Jason Adams said...

Moon for the win.

I gotta watch this movie again.

Dale said...

Heh, I was thinking it could be Moon, except for that third shot. If it's Moon, when was that?

Jason Adams said...

Sam Rockwell's character is dreaming about past sexytimes with his wife.

John said...

This is the very first time I guessed and it was right. I saw this movie on VHS a few years ago. To be honest that first frame gives it away.

Anonymous said...

John, how did you manage to see Moon a few years ago on VHS?

Unknown said...

Every time I see it I am amazed at the use of "silence" within the movie. So ahead of it's time on so many fronts.

DancerInDC said...

I was afraid it was 'Moonraker,' which is truly bad.