Thursday, May 27, 2010

Brad Goreski One Time


I only vaguely know who Brad Goreski is because of clips from that Rachel Zoe show on The Soup - she's usually luring children into big bubbling cauldrons, right? - but that is an appealing photograph, it is. (two more pics at Towleroad)


Joe Reid said...

Okay, he looks amazingly fuckable, but he's weirding me out too. Skinny nerdy gays need to stay skinny nerdy gays! This isn't porno!

Glenn Dunks said...

I've only ever seen four episodes of that Rachel Zoe show (i had a mini marathon when I was - ugh - stranded at The Hilton hotel in Los Angeles when I got kicked off a trans-pacific flight and had to wait to fly home the next day when I got upgraded to business class - UGH!) but I preferred this guy when I thought he wasn't a muscled up gym bunny. Hot, I guess, but if I saw him out I'd probably be repelled due to his obvious vanity.