Wednesday, April 14, 2010

I Am Link


--- Lady O - Rachel Weisz playing Jackie Kennedy in a bio-pic about the days immediately following JFK's assassination directed by (her hubby) Darren Aronofsky? That sounds like something that I would classify as an appealing project. Fo' sho'.

--- It's Rrrrannnndy - Apparently there's chatter about Jamie Kennedy returning in the fourth Scream film, which would be interesting, since his character was murdered in the second film. He did show up in the third film via a videotape he'd helpfully recorded pre-demise to share his thoughts on the nature of trilogies - a videotape that was delivered by his sister, played by Heather fuckin' Matarazzo, who should definitely turn up in the fourth film as far as I'm concerned; her cameo was too brief! But I'd love to see Randy again, so I don't care what bullshit they pull outta their asses. Make it happen!

--- Goodbye Cure - The David Cronenberg movie with Viggo and Michael Fassbender (sigh) as Freud and Jung duking it out over a lady (Keira Knightley) has changed it's name to A Dangerous Method.

--- Eight Bit Ecstasy - Paul Verhoeven is working on a "video-game film" set in 1914 that's described as both "Hitchockian" and "Indiana Jones-ish" but that's about all the info there is so far. It's been far too long since Black Book came out, so I'm psyched to hear he's at work again. /Film thinks it might be an adaptation of a game called The Last Express, which they describe thus:

"... a real-time adventure game created by Jordan Mechner (yes, the guy who also created Prince of Persia) which takes place on the Orient Express just days before the start of World War I. You might not remember the game as it was released exclusively on CD-Rom (PC/Mac) in 1997."

--- In The Family - I have never seen Spider Baby, the cult oddity from 1968, but The Final Girl Film Club took it on this week and man, I gotta right my wrongs. Sounds deliciously kooky!

--- Number Nine - The "We Can't Wait" countdown is continuing over at The Film Experience and in the ninth spot Nat and I are discussing Sofia Coppola's Somewhere.

--- And finally, there's a nice long new chat with Centurion (not to mention The Descent, and Dog Soldiers, and Doomsday) director Neil Marshall over at BD today. I have not read it yet. But I am about to. Fascinating scintillating stuff, that.


Jwise said...

Jackie, yay!
Jamie, nay!

Simon said...

A Dangerous Method? That's...not original at all. It sounds like a DTD Seagel flick.

Jason Adams said...

Why you be dissing on Randy, Jwise?

Totally agree, Simon, but I think it's better than The Talking Cure, which is clunky in the extreme. I think they should just call it Hey, Michael Fassbender's Naked A Bunch Here and be done with it. As long as he is naked a bunch. And he'd better be.