Tuesday, March 02, 2010

A) More Jin


Q) What Lost needs more of, and quick.

Seriously, I want a damn Jin & Sun episode already! I'm not keeping tabs on the spoilers of who's getting entire episodes to themselves this season so I don't know if they even are getting an episode - I do know tonight's episode is a Sayid episode, and while I understand the need to let us in on wtf is going on with him, god I don't really care about Sayid very much - but they better be giving Jin & Sun some love soon.


DancerInDC said...


Seriously, if Sun doesn't get to do something this season besides running around going, "Have you seen my husband?" I'm gonna scream.

Tedums the Precious said...

I have a quick question, and please do not take it the wrong way: Is this blog written by a woman or a gay man? Haha things will be much clearer when I know...

shaun said...

I know, a little bit of Jin tied and gagged in the freezer and Sun saying "Jin was here?!?" will not cut it...Sun especially has suffered the last couple of seasons. I love her character, but the last memorable thing I can remember her doing is kicking her own dad's ass financially...that was some time back!

Alejandra said...

A. Lost 6x9 (or 10, deppending on the source) "The Package" will be centered in Sun/Jin and will air on March 30th.

I need Jin & Sun too.

Jason Adams said...

Tedums - You have entered the lair of a nefarious homosexual. Not nefarious because of the homo part, mind you; nefarious for reasons entirely unrelated to that. ;-)

Alejandra, thanks for the heads-up on what episode will be theirs. Are they really gonna drag their reunion out that long though? Ack!

shaun, I was trying to remember the last substantial thing Sun got to do and yeah I thought of her kicking her pop's ass, business-wise, which rocked, but not enough came of that. Not enough, goddammit!

Noecito said...

I was so happy to read the title of the episode was Sundown, and thought it was going to be a parallel to The House of the Rising Sun, and then in the f*cking previously I only see Sayid...

Anyways I think the ending was just glorious. Me love Claire.
And in horny related news I remembered Keamy a lot hotter...

Tedums the Precious said...

I kinda figured. Haha good to know, and I love your blog. Funny stuff.